Catching up with Nyree Khamo

Center for Peacemaking


Nyree Khamo graduated from Marquette in December 2015 with a degree in Nursing. Below is a brief conversation with Nyree in which she answered some questions about her career, the impact of the Center for Peacemaking on her life, and offered some advice for current and future students.

What have you been up to since you graduated from Marquette?

I currently work as an ICU nurse at Rush University Medical Center. I am studying to get my doctorate degree in nursing practice (DNP) to be a family nurse practitioner (FNP).

I am also a board member for the Assyrian Student Association of Chicago and I help facilitate cultural and humanitarian events for the Assyrian Community.

What impact did the Center for Peacemaking have on your career trajectory?

I loved being part of the Center for Peacemaking because it provided me with a wealth of knowledge on peace studies. For example, I learned about various leaders in the peace movement, the cycle of genocide, listened to various community leaders at Soup with Substance, and learned about community organizing. My perspective has strengthened and structured my nursing practice to uphold the valuable lessons I learned.

Nyree (bottom left) with the Peacemakers student group, George Martin, and Julie Enslow at the Center for Peacemaking.

What is a favorite memory from your engagement with the Center for Peacemaking?

My favorite memory is being part of the Peacemakers student group — especially the opportunity to work with and learn from George Martin and Julie Enslow.

What advice do you have for current and future undergraduate students?

Make time for things that matter.



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